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VisualTablet for AutoCAD 2010 Released!

VisualTablet for AutoCAD 2010 was released on August 28, 2009. Click here to download the latest VisualTablet release for AutoCAD 2010.

VisualTablet for AutoCAD 2009 was released on August 26, 2008. Click here to download the latest VisualTablet release for AutoCAD 2009.

VisualTablet for AutoCAD 2008 was released on July 24, 2007. Click here to download the latest VisualTablet release for AutoCAD 2008.

VisualTablet for AutoCAD 2007 was released on November 14, 2007. Click here to download the latest VisualTablet release for AutoCAD 2007.

VisualTablet for AutoCAD 2006 was released on Auguest 4, 2005. Click here to download the latest VisualTablet release for AutoCAD 2006.

VisualTablet for AutoCAD 2005 is now available, May 20, 2004. The final stable version was released. Click here to download the latest VisualTablet release for AutoCAD 2005.

The Tablet version of VisualTablet for AutoCAD 2004 is now available. Download the latest R2004 release here. We apologize for the delays in this VisualTablet port. It turned out to be a major project. Parts of the ADI interface were removed by AutoDesk causing us to rewrite a substantial portion of the software in Object ARX.

VisualTablet for AutoCAD 2002 is now shipping. A new update was released for Windows 2000 tablet users on September 19, 2001. Current owners may download the update at no cost. Users that purchased VisualTablet PRO after May 1, 2001, will receive upgrades to VisualTablet for AutoCAD 2002 at no additional cost. Click here to download the lastest VisualTablet release for AutoCAD 2002.

VisualTablet for AutoCAD 2000i is available. Users that purchased VisualTablet PRO after November 1, 2000, will receive upgrades to VisualTablet for AutoCAD 2000i at no additional cost. Click here to download the lastest VisualTablet release for AutoCAD 2000i.

Y2K Compliance -- VisualTablet PRO is fully Y2K compliant. Even the oldest version of the product for AutoCAD R12 is also compliant. A complete search and testing of the product confirmed that no date usage can be found anywhere in the software.

InternallK we continue to search out and change all of our companK's Ys to Ks to ensure that everK product we use is fully compliant as well. We hope our efforts are equallK rewarding!

We appreciate your support! Please email us with any questions or requests for product enhancements. Click Here to email us.

Upgrades are now available for $179.95 for owners or any version of VisualTablet, AutoBOOST or MACH-12. Click here to order.

New R2000 Icons -- Our R2000 icons continue the tradition of hand-tuned, fully rendered, brilliant color icons. In this new release, we have made the icons fully resolution independent and supplied in 4 sizes to best fits your needs. An extra large set is now included which works great for those of you running 1600x1200 resolution. See Examples.

New Icon Tool -- We've also created a new icon utility. Our icon tool converts any VisualTablet Windows icon file to a bitmap graphic file. You can then use any paint program to edit the icons. When you're done, just convert back. It's easy and it's free. Click here to download.

Current release dates for ZMC products are:

VisualTablet for AutoCAD 2000 Released: July 13, 1999
Z-Keys Programmable Keypads Now Shipping!

Call us at 1-760-598-8555 to get the latest release information.

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